Leveraging the benefits of an industry-level approach to sustainability.

The Belgian Moving Industry takes steps towards sustainability 

In 2025, the Belgian moving industry will take a major step towards sustainability with the launch of a comprehensive sustainability framework by sector association BKV-CBD . This initiative marks a turning point in how moving companies address their sustainable responsibilities. Together with BKV-CBD and several leading moving firms, we have developed a report template that will enable businesses to measure their carbon footprint and implement sustainable strategies. Our goal is to not only reduce the ecological impact of individual companies but also to foster a more efficient and sustainable sector as a whole.

A sector-wide standard: building a foundation for the future

By conducting an industry-level sustainability analysis, we are enabling dozens of companies to collaborate on critical sustainability themes through a unified reporting standard. This approach results in:

  • A comparative CO2 analysis that supports collective reduction and offsetting projects.
  • A consistent industry standard for sustainability reporting, bringing clarity and equality to the process.

We believe the strength of this approach lies in the shared foundation it offers. With our report template, businesses can immediately begin addressing the challenges unique to the moving industry. This consistency ensures that companies can adopt sustainable practices without having to start from scratch.

“This project offers significant benefits to the moving industry, particularly SMEs, by increasing competitiveness, saving costs, and complying with environmental legislation. – BKV-CBD”

Collaborating to create a sustainability industry report

From the outset, we recognised the need for a practical, sector-wide approach that would allow moving companies to make real progress. Through our collaboration with BKV-CBD and several prominent moving firms, we have developed a modular and actionable template that offers companies a clear pathway to greater efficiency and sustainability.

By creating this standard sector report, we are providing answers to the sustainability challenges that many moving companies face. By analysing the sector as a whole, we bring consistency, and allow firms to share costs, rather than each company having to bear the burden alone.

Now is the time to act

Many SMEs are hesitant to engage with sustainability, either because they lack the knowledge or perceive the costs as too high, and the moving industry is no different. However, we are seeing increasing pressure from legislation, customers, and society as a whole. You need to act now, as the pace of change is accelerating. Regulatory requirements are always changing, with talks of a CO2 tax of €45 per ton as of 2027, which could lead to significant costs for transport companies that fail to adapt in time.

ESG: looking beyond environmental concerns

Sustainability is about more than just the environment. Our report template covers all aspects of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Beyond CO2 reduction, the report provides guidance on key areas like HR policy, social responsibility, and ethical corporate governance for the moving sector. We believe that sustainability only becomes truly effective when all these facets are addressed, which translates into better working conditions and a healthier corporate culture.

Sharing and applying knowledge

We recognise that a well-constructed report is just the first step. That’s why we have also developed a training programme, co-funded by VLAIO , to help companies in the moving industry implement the sustainability insights from the report. Starting in October 2024, we will guide moving companies through the basics of ESG, carbon footprint analyses and strategy development, and show them how to apply sustainable measures within their own operations. This ensures that businesses not only meet the regulatory requirements but also make genuine strides towards a more sustainable future.

By partnering with BKV-CBD, we are taking a crucial step in driving sustainability within the moving industry. We are confident that this approach provides companies with the tools they need to not only comply with future regulations but also gain a competitive edge. Together, we are building a greener, more sustainable future for the sector.

About BKV - CBD

The Belgian Chamber of Movers (abbreviated ‘BKV’) is a professional organisation founded in 1902. BKV – CBD is the only Belgian National Professional Organisation recognised by the Supreme Council for the Self-Employed and SMEs, which defends the interests of employers in sectoral social negotiations with trade unions.

What about you?

Need help with your own CO2 analysis and sustainability strategy? Reach out to us!

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