
To support our mission, we conduct several research studies on a yearly basis in collaboration with universities, management schools and other research institutes.

Research topics

Currently, 90% of organisations are behind on their climate pledges. Many have expressed great ambitions and believe in the need but get discouraged in the process due to various stumbling blocks. What is holding organisations back to act more sustainably? And on the other hand, what keeps ecological solutions from being a business success?

Sustainability from vision to action

Will we proactively embrace change, or will external forces compel us to do so? - researching over 560 companies.

De toekomst is Circulair! Maar waar te beginnen als KMO?

Wat betekent dat nu concreet: circulair ondernemen? Hoe start u ermee? En hoe kunt u een circulair businessmodel ontwikkelen?

Wat weerhoudt ecologische oplossingen van zakelijk succes?

Wat zijn de belangrijkste uitdagingen voor ecologische oplossingen bij de exploitatie en schaalvergroting van hun bedrijf?

Let’s bring ecology and economy together! We’re here to help. Reach out if you need more information or are ready to get started.